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Possible Abuse and Maladministration of Home Rehabilitation Programs for the Elderly - Hearings Before the Senate Special Committee on Aging, Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 8, 1980, Washington, DC, December 19, 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
133 pages
These hearings focus on the investigation into the Farmers Home Administration home rehabilitation program in northern New Mexico; the program provides grants to rehabilitate homes of the limited income rural elderly.
The hearings and investigation sought to determine the extent of overlap and duplication in the program which resulted from administration by several Federal agencies. The Farmers Home section 504 grants provide up to $5,000 to rehabilitate homes. In Florida and Pennsylvania, the Farmers Home made excellent use of the grants. However, with regard to New Mexico, several witnesses present testimony to the effect that they received two or more grants from different agencies; their homes have not yet been properly rehabilitated. Witnesses testifying before the Special Committee on Aging include an investigator/consultant, supervisors of the Farmers Home Administration, and elderly individuals affected by the program. Internal management problems were deemed the cause of ineffective program functioning. Several witnesses provided slides and supporting documents to illustrate program abuse.