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Population Movements in the Massachusetts Department of Correction, 1990

NCJ Number
R V Raagas
Date Published
58 pages
This report summarizes the movement of offenders in the custody of the Massachusetts Department of Corrections during calendar year 1990 and reports on trends in population movement over the 1985 to 1990 period.
The admissions and releases summarized in this report are associated with the physical movement of inmates from one institution to another or from the community to a correctional facility. There were 21,199 admissions and 20,466 releases of all types to and from Massachusetts correctional facilities during 1990. The past 5 years records a 64-percent population increase in Massachusetts correctional facilities. There were 3,842 admissions of inmates beginning new sentences, and a total of 1,296 inmates were readmitted on a sentence as a result of a parole or probation violation. 2 figures and 5 tables