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Polymorphisms of the Enzymes Systems Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyltransferase (GALT) and Esterase D (EsD) in the Province of Cadiz, Southern Spain

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 36 Issue: 3 Dated: (May 1991) Pages: 880-885
J L Gamero-Lucas; J L Romero; M A Vizcaya; M I Arufe
Date Published
6 pages
The polymorphisms of galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase (GALT) and esterase D (EsD) using isoelectric focusing were determined for 406 healthy residents of Cadiz in southern Spain.
The use of IEF in the study of polymorphism allows clear differentiation between certain alleles of the Caucasians, as well as identification of unusual variations. Blood samples were processed to isolate the red cells. The support for the IEF consisted of ultrathin layer polyacrylamide gels. Polymerization of the gels was carried out by addition of riboflavin and application of ultraviolet light. The following gene frequencies were observed for GALT: for Galt, GALTI = 0.952 970 3 and GALT2 = 0.047 029 71; for EsD, EsD1 = 0..895 320 2, EsD2 = 0.094 827 59, and EsD5 = 0.009 852 21. Very few differences were observed between the frequencies recorded in Cadiz for the Gt1 allele and those observed among the European population. The recorded frequency of the Gt2 allele is among the lowest recorded values. The gene frequencies for the alleles EsD1, EsD2, and EsD5 show that the population sample falls in the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium for this marker. It demonstrates remarkable similarities between the frequencies of the alleles EsD1 and EsD2 in Cadiz and those recorded in the majority of European populations as well as a low incidence of allele EsD5 in the Cadiz population. The probability of exclusion of paternity established in Cadiz for the EsD system was 8.96 percent and for GALT was 4.28 percent. Analysis for GALT and EsD should be included in routine protocols for biological investigation of paternity because of their ease, simplicity, high efficiency, and moderate cost. 1 figure, 4 tables, and 29 references (Author abstract modified)


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