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Polygraph, Volume 43, Issue 2, 2014

NCJ Number
Polygraph Volume: 43 Issue: 2 Dated: 2014 Pages: 1-62
Gordon Vaughan
Donald J. Krapohl
Date Published
62 pages
This issue of Polygraph contains the amicus brief submitted to the Alaska Court of Appeals in the case of Alaska v. Alexander.
The brief, filed on behalf of the APA, represents the most comprehensive effort to date by the APA to establish a position on the admissibility of polygraph test results. The case of Alaska v. Alexander was chosen following direction from the Alaska Court of Appeals that a hearing be held to determine the admissibility of polygraph evidence favorable to the defendant Alexander. The objectives of the brief were to show to the Court the benefits from advancing the use of polygraph as a science, and to ensure that the Court is informed about the modern polygraph instrument and examination procedure, the current scientific research on the validity of polygraph results, and legal issues associated with polygraph evidence. A decision from the Alaska Court of Appeals is expected in late 2014 or early 2015. Table of authorities

Publication Format
Publication Type
Legislative/Regulatory Material
United States of America