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Polygraph Field Validity

NCJ Number
Polygraph Volume: 14 Issue: 3 Dated: (September 1985) Pages: 217-223
E Elaad; E Schahar
Date Published
7 pages
The accuracy of the results of polygraph tests conducted during the years 1973-74 at the Scientific Interrogation Unit of the Israel Police were evaluated.
The criteria for evaluation were subsequent confessions or convictions of the subjects and/or others who cleared the subjects from involvement. Out of the 2,540 polygraph examinations conducted during this period, there was definite feedback concerning the innocence or guilt of the subject for only 184 (7 percent). When these 184 cases were considered, in 10 (5 percent) the polygraph results were inconclusive. The remaining 174 cases consisted of 145 (79 percent) conclusive results without any reservation (143 or 78 percent correct and 2 or 1 percent incorrect), and 29 (16 percent) polygraph results with reservation (25 or 14 percent correct and 4 or 2 percent incorrect). Five of the errors were false negatives and one false positive. This suggests that there was a tendency to clear the subject when in doubt. However, these data should be considered cautiously, since the validation criteria, ultimate confessions and convictions, could have been influenced by the polygraph results. Furthermore, confessions and convictions are not infallible since false confessions and convictions could occur. (Author abstract)


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