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Polygraph in Employment - Applications and Legal Considerations

NCJ Number
Polygraph Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Dated: (March 1985) Pages: 1-33
D E Nagle
Date Published
33 pages
This article reviews the polygraph's technology and test procedures, explains its business applications, and discusses relevant legal considerations.
After tracing the history of the polygraph's development, the article describes how the instrument works, prerequisites for an appropriate subject, and examiner training and standards. Three distinct phases of the test procedure are detailed: the pretest interview, the test, and the posttest interview. The test's reliability and validity are examined. The discussion of polygraph uses in employment covers pre-employment examinations to screen out undesirable employees, periodic examinations given to all employees, and specific tests given in response to incidents of internal theft, sabotage, or other security problems. Benefits of polygraph testing for businesses are discussed, as is the extent of its use in this context. The section on legal limitations considers constitutional challenges, Federal and State laws, the National Labor Relations Act, arbitration, and public sector employees. 173 footnotes.