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Political Corruption and the Role of Public Prosecutors in Italy

NCJ Number
Crime, Law and Social Change Volume: 24 Issue: 4 Dated: (1995/96) Pages: 273-292
A Alberti
Date Published
20 pages
This paper analyzes the problem of political corruption in Italy and the role public prosecutors have played in addressing this phenomenon.
The author first reviews the difference between corruption that occurs in many industrialized countries and the systemic corruption characteristic of Italy. The article then discusses the set of conditions that have favored and promoted the development and consolidation of systemic corruption in Italy. The key issues discussed are the impact of international factors on the party system dynamics and on the electoral behavior, the role of the opposition, the nature and role of the Italian state with reference to the economic sphere, and the role of civil society. The problem of the mafia and its supposed collusion with some members of the local and national political class has also played an important role in fostering corrupt behaviors. The third issue discussed concerns the main characteristics of the Italian prosecutorial system, including factors that have influenced prosecutors' delay in reacting to the spread of corruption in Italy. Topics addressed are the institutional structure, powers, and prerogatives of public prosecution in Italy, the organization of prosecutors' interests through the National Association of Italian Magistrates, the role of the self-governing body of prosecutors and judges and its division in "correnti," the widespread phenomenon of extra-judicial positions occupied by many magistrates, and the relationship between the Italian judiciary and the political system. Finally, the author outlines the main factors that have led to the crisis of the so- called first Republic and to the action of public prosecutors against corruption. 43 references