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Policy Relevance and the Future of Criminology

NCJ Number
J Petersilia
Date Published
15 pages
This paper discusses the weakening influence of criminological research on criminal justice policy and practice, why this has happened, why criminologists should care, and what can be done about it.
Although many of the findings of criminological research have been incorporated in criminal justice policy and practice, policymakers and practitioners are not aware of the connection. Consequently, criminal justice professionals have little sense of reliance upon or cooperation with researchers. This has occurred largely due to the academic model of research under which criminologists work. This model places scientific research method first and the application of findings a weak second. Research is increasingly conducted in isolation from practitioners and policymakers. Much of the research is done from data files such that interaction with criminal justice professionals in the field is rare. The dissemination of research findings and applications does not generally reach policymakers and practitioners in a form relevant to their tasks. If policymakers and practitioners do not perceive the relevance of research to their tasks, inevitably research funding will wane. Recommendations for improving the relevance of research to policymaking include the establishment of a collaborative framework that involves researchers, policymakers, and practitioners; more effective reporting and dissemination of research findings; the definition of research to include assistance in the field; and the tailoring of the academic model to include the mission of criminal justice research. 12 references


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