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Policing: Key Readings

NCJ Number
Tim Newburn
Date Published
848 pages
This book contains 45 chapters that deal with the following general topics: the emergence and development of the police; the role and function of the police; police culture; policing strategies; deviance, ethics, and control; and the emerging pattern of policing.
The eight chapters on aspects of the history of policing--primarily in the English-speaking world--consider how various models of policing have emerged over time. The eight chapters on the role and function of the police encompass discussions of the balance or tension between crime-fighting, order maintenance, and other forms of service, as well as how arguments about the role of the police have developed historically. The six chapters on police organization and culture consider how these domains have been theorized and perceived by scholars and reformers, and they present and critique arguments about how police organization and culture can facilitate and obstruct police reform. The 10 chapters on policing strategies consider various policing models, including problem-oriented policing, community policing, public-order ("broken windows") policing, "zero-tolerance" policing, the use of COMPSTAT for strategic problem-solving, and police technical assistance for enhancing the security of community institutions and citizens. The five chapters on police deviance, ethics, and control examine the key issues of police racism, misconduct, and corruption, along with the general issue of police ethics. Eight chapters address the emerging pattern of policing. Topics discussed include policing in a postmodern society, current trends that are transforming policing, the emergence of women as police executives, the use of new surveillance technology, the increasing involvement of military forces in domestic law enforcement, and the uneasy partnership between police agencies and intelligence agencies. Chapter references and a subject index

Sale Source
Willan Publishing

c/o ISBS, 5804 N.E. Hassalo Street, Portland, OR 97213-3644, United States

Publication Format
Book (Softbound)
Publication Type
Overview Text
United States of America
For individual chapters, see NCJ-208825-38.