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Policing Into the 21st Century: An Annotated Bibliography

NCJ Number
Y-P Chao
Date Published
91 pages
This annotated bibliography lists 235 documents and is intended as a reference for those seeking information related to the future of policing in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and other areas.
The citations include books, journal articles, reports. Most were published in the 1980's and 1990's. The bibliography is limited to materials exclusively addressing law enforcement topics; a few general futures studies are included as background readings. Topics include accreditation, community policing, crime trends, police leadership, police management, organizational change, private security, strategic planning, police technology, police training and education, female police, and other topics. Each citation includes the title, authors or editor, journal citation or book or report publisher, date of publication, number of pages, and an abstract. Subject and author indexes