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Police Selection, Training and Education Action Grant Programs in 1969 State Law Enforcement Plans Submitted Under Title 1, Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 - 1969 State Plan Analysis

NCJ Number
N E Pomrenke
Date Published
10 pages
This study analyzes State law enforcement plans with respect to their recruitment, training, and education action programs for fiscal year 1969 and provides quantitative data on the police programs based on the author's interpretive analyses.
For 1969, about $4 million has been allotted by the States for the police in the areas of selection, training, and education. Most State plans appear to contemplate doing more of what has been done in the past. The bulk of the grant monies will go to the training function, particularly in the areas of basic training and inservice training. Little emphasis is placed on supervisory, middle management, and executive training for law enforcement officers. The most critical areas which were underemphasized in the plans were efforts to train trainers and to develop various training curricula. Most programs also demonstrated a distinct trend to a centralized rather than a local approach. Furthermore, the narrative of the State plans was not adequately correlated with the programs listed. Moreover, few of the plans discussed a system of quality control to ensure the accomplishment of objectives, and some of the programs seemed to anticipate desired results based on inadequate or unrealistic inputs. Further problems included a lack of communication between State planning agencies, weak program descriptions, and lack of emphasis on innovative programs. Tables are included.