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Police Physical Fitness

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 49 Issue: 1 Dated: (January 1982) Pages: 159-166
K Cooper; M Prentice; L A Beccaccio
Date Published
8 pages
Panelists discuss the value and content of physical fitness programs in general and particularly the police physical fitness programs of the Idaho Department of Law Enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
General studies have shown the value of physical fitness programs not only for physical health but for mental health, particularly as measured by job performance. The basic goals of the physical fitness program of the Idaho Department of Law Enforcement are to systematically assist department members to become physically fit and systematically prepare new employees to stay active and fit throughout their careers and their lives. Objectives are to (1) provide a fitness program that increases the functional fitness areas, including cardiorespiratory endurance, dynamic strength, and flexibility; (2) teach employees to revise and maintain individualized fitness programs; and (3) provide reinforcement and support for maintaining a high fitness level and physical fitness program. The program includes instructor training and incentives for participation, such as on-duty workout time, awards for achieving various levels of physical fitness, and administrative leave days for achieving certain fitness levels. The physical training unit of the FBI Academy determines entry level fitness profiles and improvement indexes prior to leaving. Lectures are presented to students on the holistic approach of fitness, which includes information on diet, nutrition, weight control, and stress management. Individualized exercise prescription is afforded any student desiring it. Students are required to complete a coronary heart disease risk factor chart which profiles each person's risk of a heart attack.

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National Institute of Justice/

Box 6000, Dept F, Rockville, MD 20849, United States

United States of America
From Official Proceedings of the 88th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, September 26 - October 1, 1981, New Orleans, Louisiana