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Police Officer's Guide to Better Communication

NCJ Number
T R Cheatham; K V Erickson
Date Published
136 pages
This book examines the fundamental elements of verbal and nonverbal communication and applies them to law enforcement in specific settings: courtroom testimony, interviewing, interrogation, crisis intervention, organizational decisionmaking, and public presentations.
Officers must be able to interview, direct behavior, comfort, resolve interpersonal differences, provide information, and control the behavior of others. They must be able to detect 'hidden messages' (the discrepancies between verbal and nonverbal messages). Basic guidelines are provided for communicating effectively with witnesses, suspects, fellow officers, and the general public. Practical strategies are presented for dealing with complex communication problems, such as resolving crises, communicating with people of other cultures, and questioning hostile witnesses. The guide contains realistic anecdotes and examples and procedure lists. Tables, chapter references, and an index are supplied. (Publisher summary modified)


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