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Police in Norway: A Profile

NCJ Number
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management Volume: 24 Issue: 3 Dated: 2001 Pages: 330-346
Dilip K. Das; Amanda L. Robinson
Date Published
17 pages
This study describes the current status of policing in Norway.
Data collection took place in 1995. Information came from interviews with 19 police administrators, police academy instructors, and police recruits; interviews with 5 prison inmates about their opinions of the police; and observations of patrol ride-alongs. The analysis focused on the organizational structure of the Norwegian police at the national level; individual police stations; police recruitment and training; traffic regulation, law enforcement, order maintenance, and crime prevention; and police-public interactions in Norway. The analysis concluded that the distinctive features of the Norwegian police include a flat hierarchy, strong union influence, and informal selection methods. The analysis also concluded that these features all derive from the unique sociodemographic and geographic landscape of Norway, combined with the influence of British and European models of policing. Notes and 23 references (Author abstract modified)