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Police History

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 49 Issue: 11 Dated: (November 1982) Pages: 30-43
E A Farris; F M Kreml; D Hollingsworth; P H Bohardt; E M Davis
Date Published
14 pages
This chronological review of policing in America touches upon social changes and the accompanying developments in police responsibilities and policing styles.
Each decade is characterized in terms of the overall social scene -- both domestic and international; police operations; and law enforcement education and training. Additional highlights are noted at special historical points, such as a sense of international leadership after World War II and the emergence of police professionalism and management issues in the 1950's. The gradual change from community apathy toward crime to community involvement in crime control is deemed the most important philosophical shift on the police scene over the decades reviewed. A second segment of the article presents the perspectives of four police leaders on the development of law enforcement during the past 50 years. Photographs and footnotes are provided.