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Police Command College: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

NCJ Number
Law and Order Volume: 39 Issue: 3 Dated: (March 1991) Pages: 51-54
R Bocklet
Date Published
4 pages
The Port Authority Police Command College (New York State), which serves law enforcement personnel from the 26 municipalities and jurisdictions it covers, will eventually serve as a regional supervisory training site and a spark for similar executive-development endeavors elsewhere.
The Command College, located at the U.S. Army Military Academy at West Point, departs from most American instructional models that offer one-time career opportunities for a limited number of candidates. The College, on the other hand, provides ongoing professional orientation to all officers as they rise in the supervisory ranks. The College provides specialized junior, middle, and senior instruction to captains and deputy inspectors, lieutenants, sergeants, and newly promoted lieutenants. The courses aim to broaden police perspectives and enhance critical thinking, problemsolving processes, strategic planning, leadership, and organizational abilities. Unlike other training programs where one or two agency representatives might participate, Port Authority police share a common frame of reference with fellow workers as well as with members of equal rank from police agencies with which they come in regular contact. The key to the program is the interaction of a sufficient number of officers with the authority to implement and support the newly learned approaches to the management of departmental resources. The 2-week and 3-week sessions can effect immediate and significant change in Port Authority Police operations.