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Police Chief's Guide to Using Micro Computers

NCJ Number
E Hernandez
Date Published
157 pages
This guide explains how police managers can effectively use microcomputers and identifies current products, technology, and equipment available for police work.
The text is divided into four chapters. The first chapter urges police managers to take the initiative of purchasing a computer. Prices are relatively low; training is readily available; and computer magazines, journals, and newsletters offer assistance in achieving literacy. The second chapter defines a computer (an electronic machine capable of extremely fast arithmetic and logical manipulation of electrical impulses), categorizes computers by size (micro, mini, and mainframe), and characterizes the ideal professional police microcomputer system. Some of the features and capabilities of this ideal system include between 256 and 512k RAM and a printer, terminal, keyboard, and central processing unit. The chapter also describes models, types, and sizes of portable computers and addresses functions such as word processing and electronic mail and input/output variations such as light pens and card readers. The third chapter focuses on buying computers or computer systems, enhancing or expanding existing systems, and implementing the desired systems. Other issues addressed include how to decide between centralized and decentralized systems and between dedicated and distributed systems. The text emphasizes the advantages of the computer system dedicated entirely to police matters and information processing. The final chapter considers concepts involved in establishing usable data-based management systems, highlighting such required features as a data dictionary, a query facility, and a report generator. Appendixes provide a glossary, an index, and a list of recommended software.


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