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Police Chief, Volume 81, Issue 2, Febuary 2014

NCJ Number
Date Published
February 2014
0 pages
This online issue of The Police Chief magazine contains six primary articles on management issues facing law enforcement officials.
The first article, Ethical Defensibility: Should an Officer's "Willingness to Deceive" Result in Automatic Certification Revocation discuss the need for police departments to strengthen their police character policies. The second article, Police Licensing and Revocation examines efforts by States aimed at professionalizing police departments. The third article presents the IACP (International Association of Chiefs of Police) Technology Policy Framework. The fourth article, Cybercrimes Enforcement: A State Perspective highlights Utah's efforts at improving enforcement of cybercrime policies. The fifth article, Collaboration to Combat Cyberthreats examines State and Federal efforts aimed at fighting cyberthreats. The sixth article, Facing the New World of Digital Evidence and Cybersecurity, discusses the problems facing police departments from continuing changes in technology.