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Police Chief, Volume 79, Issue 9, September 2012

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 79 Issue: 9 Dated: September 2012 Pages: 1-68
Kerry A. Sullivan
Date Published
September 2012
68 pages
This issue of the Police Chief contains four featured articles and six regular columns.
The four featured articles are: 1) Recognizing the True Cost of Low Morale which examines the benefits of building morale in police organizations; 2) Reinventing the Police Report for the 21st Century: Are Video Police Reports the Answer? examines the impact that an actual police interview on video will have on juries; 3) Training for the NATO Summit: The Chicago Model describes the multi-tiered model employed by the Chicago Police Education and Training Division to provide training for 12,000 members of the police department within an 8 month deadline; and 4) The ATF's iTrafficking Program: Linking Firearms Trace Data with State Fusion Centers highlights the collection, analysis, and use of firearms trace data in investigations. The columns heading features six articles: 1) President's Message: Police Officer Suicide: It's Time to Talk About It; 2) Legislative Alert: House Approves Byrne-JAG Reauthorization; 3) Chief's Counsel: Crown Management and Civil Rights Protection; 4) Research in Brief: Officer-Involved Domestic Violence; 5) Officer Safety Corner: Explosive Materials and Officer Safety; and 6) From the Acting Director: ATF: Combating Violent Crime. The Departments heading provides the following features: Advances and Applications, New Members, Product Update, Technology Talk, and Highway Safety Initiatives.


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