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Police Applicant Test - A Predictive Validity Study

NCJ Number
Journal of Police Science and Administration Volume: 14 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1986) Pages: 121-129
G Gruber
Date Published
8 pages
Conducted in the early 1980's, this study used an outcome predictive validity design to determine the validity of the Police Applicant Test (PAT), which is administered to applicants of the Calgary Police Service (Canada).
The PAT pencil test has 140 multiple-choice questions and 1 essay question. Examinees are given a prestudy booklet at least 5 days before the examination. The sample included the first 66 constables who completed the PAT prior to being hired and remained with the department for at least 2 years and 12 other constables who completed the PAT but resigned within 2 years. A third sample, drawn to determine PAT reliability and variance and included samples one and two, consisted of 802 applicants, most of whom were not hired. Sergeants of the 66 constables ranked them on work performance. Other measures of work performance were also obtained, such as inservice course grades and firearms qualification score. Scores on the PAT correlated .49 with supervisory rankings when corrections were made for range restriction and criterion attenuation. The generally accepted minimum standard is .30. Tabular data and 20 references.


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