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Police and Firefighter Collective Bargaining in Florida

NCJ Number
Date Published
129 pages
This study outlines the collective bargaining experience in Florida protective services as reflected in police and firefighter contracts negotiated from 1976-82.
The sample of 58 police and 58 firefighter agreements forming the basis for analysis represents a cross-section of employee unit sizes, employer size, and geographical distribution. The survey covers, State, county, and municipal jurisdictions. Approximately two-thirds of the total number of employees in police and firefighter collective bargaining units in the State are covered by the agreements selected for the protective services study. The study focuses on the major provisions, quoting representative articles from the agreements, citing applicable statutory provisions, and highlighting developmental trends over the study period. Special attention is given to the factors that distinguish police and firefighter provisions from standard clauses on the subject areas in which the two protective services groups differ and those in which they parallel. The cited provisions and tabulations reflect general practice in handling the subject area in police and firefighter agreements as understood from the written provisions. Wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment are addressed. A reference summary of study findings is appended, and 193 footnotes are provided. (Author summary modified)


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