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Police and Early Intervention Programs

NCJ Number
Michael Grant
Date Published
10 pages
This paper describes programs established by the Tasmania Police (Australia) to prevent and/or achieve early intervention in juvenile delinquency.
Police and Citizens Youth Clubs (PCYCs) are located throughout Australia. Tasmania has 17 PCYCs located throughout the State. PCYCs provide options to criminal and/or antisocial behavior through sports and recreation, instruction in the principles of good citizenship, and the opportunity to interact with police officers and other adults who provide positive role models for youth. One Tasmanian jurisdiction has used its PCYC to develop a Mobile Activity Centre (MAC). Through networking with various support agencies, the MAC overcomes access and participation barriers to positive leisure and recreational activities for youth, such as access, inappropriate opening times, lack of equipment, and perceived negative images. Other programs for youth in Tasmania include "Reclink," which provides sporting activities for street youth, the homeless, and the unemployed; and various programs that involve police interaction with youth in the school environment. The latter include police attendance at school programs to discuss various behavioral and attitudinal issues that bear upon positive behavior; school liaison officers; and drug education by police officers in schools. A Youth Policy Advisory Group has been created to advise on the content and direction of the juvenile justice framework and policy, as well as to research, develop, and coordinate efforts to prevent and effectively intervene in juvenile delinquency.