NCJ Number
Date Published
125 pages
This 1995 directory presents data and information on podular direct-supervision jails throughout the country.
Each directory entry contains the name of the agency that administers the detention facility and the name of the facility, followed by its address, telephone number, and fax number. Information is provided on facility type (podular direct- supervision); status (operating, construction documents, transition, etc.); elevation (low-rise, high-rise); and opening date. The data provided include the total number of beds in the facility, the number of direct-supervision beds, the number of direct-supervision pods, and the number of beds per direct- supervision pod. Other data provided are the maximum number of inmates one officer supervises in a direct-supervision pod, the number of nondirect-supervision pods, and the number of disciplinary detention beds. Data also address the number of direct-supervision pods that are dormitories and the number of beds per direct-supervision dormitory. Each entry also describes the characteristics of nondirect supervision and the design of the dormitories.