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Planning Study for the Colorado Division of Youth Services

NCJ Number
B Krisberg; J Austin; C Baird; P Sullivan; C Toole
Date Published
93 pages
This technical assistance report provides data and recommendations pertinent to the development of a comprehensive plan for the Colorado Division of Youth Services (DYS).
The goal of the DYS must be to create a youth corrections system that is safe, fair, humane, and cost-effective. This will require a comprehensive facilities program that will upgrade overcrowded and substandard institutions. Such a program must take into account the volume and characteristics of youth to be served in the future. The DYS must develop and maintain a planning process that focuses on forecasting future populations, improved offender classification in terms of security and treatment needs, and the potential for expanding community-based programs for nonviolent youth. Long-term facility planning should be guided by a systems approach that examines the key forces that create the demand for correctional beds. The prerequisites of such a system approach are outlined in this report. 7 tables, 12 references.