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Planning for Mobile Computing

NCJ Number
Law and Order Volume: 49 Issue: 8 Dated: August 2001 Pages: 45-47
David Poulin
Date Published
August 2001
3 pages
This article provides advice to police departments regarding the steps in planning a new mobile computer system.
The first step is to identify the components and accompanying budget. This involves determining what must be purchased and the order in which to purchase each component. Examine the current computer system in place within the agency and make a chart of all components. Part of this process is to uncover hidden areas of incompatibility and system conflicts. Include items that are currently being purchased, are planned for the future, and items that are due to be replaced. Finding software to meet the needs of the project is crucial, and this requires determining whether the software is appropriate under the particular circumstances of the jurisdiction. Planning for costs consists of analyzing everything involved in or potentially affected by the proposed project. Costs other than system components and software include project management, consultant fees, software upgrades, shipping costs, data conversion, interfaces, and warranty. Reoccurring costs include monthly wireless fees, software annual maintenance, hardware upgrades, additional license fees, and training.


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