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NCJ Number
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Dated: (April 1979)
R M Furgerson
Date Published
8 pages
While the Federal judicial system agrees that pinball machines are legal recreational devices, the multiple-coin, electromechanical bingo-type machine is a gambling device and therefore subject to the Federal gambling device tax. However, many law enforcement officers are unfamiliar with the differences between these two types of machine.
The primary objective of the bingo gambling device is to obtain certain arrangements of lighted numbers on the bingo card. At least one coin is required to play, but many more are generally used in each game to build up scores and features. These features may include moveable numbers in the bingo card, 4-corners, and the double-or-nothing option. Players may be able to earn as many as 600 free plays, but the machine has the capability to clear all free plays appearing on the register through use of a "knock-off" circuit. Bingo machines are usually equipped with a built-in governor which automatically adjusts the chances of obtaining greater scores and features; the governor is therefore effectively able to control the profit level of the machine. The FBI laboratory is equipped to help local law enforcement identify these types of devices in accordance with the law. 3 figures and 8 notes

