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Pilot Study To Select and Prepare Underprivileged Minorities and Women for Employment in Law Enforcement

NCJ Number
Journal of Police Science and Administration Volume: 10 Issue: 3 Dated: (September 1982) Pages: 350-356
J J Prince
Date Published
7 pages
This study identifies an appropriate screening device for the selection of minority students into a program to prepare underprivileged minorities and women for law enforcement careers.
This study also determined the effectiveness of classroom training in the subject areas of English usage and reading. The analysis indicates that the Descriptive Test of Language Skills of the College Board is an adequate screening device. The section of the test dealing with reading comprehension gives an adequate measure of the individual's total language skills. Correlations between the reading section of the test and the other four sections of the test were significant at the .05 level. This shows that this section alone could be used as a screening device. Because of the self-scoring administration and the short time involved, this section can be used in the field. The reading section of the descriptive test is a valid standardized test for this group, except for reading rate. The pretest and posttest (using the descriptive test for reading and vocabulary) indicated that the classroom training was effective. Because the reading and sentence structure sections of the descriptive test were significantly related at the .05 level to the Missouri State Highway Patrol exam, it was determined to be a reliable measure of performance on this type of police entrance exam. Tabular data and five references are provided. (Author summary modified)