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Picking Up the Pieces: Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Crime Victim

NCJ Number
Date Published
April 2006
53 pages
This booklet provides an overview of the special rights and privileges accorded victims of crime under Ohio law.
Ohio law gives a victim a variety of specific rights before, during, and after the trial or juvenile proceeding of the following crimes: felony offenses; aggravated menacing; assault; domestic violence; intimidation of crime victim or witness; menacing; menacing by stalking; negligent homicide; vehicular homicide; aggravated vehicular homicide; and sexual imposition. A victim’s constitutional rights are derived from the Constitution of Ohio and statutory rights from Section 2930 of the Ohio Revised Code. This booklet provides a listing of those constitutional and statutory rights of victims under Ohio law beginning with the Ohio Constitutional Amendment for Victims Rights and followed by 21 victims rights under the Ohio Revised Code which include: right to receive information about crime victim rights; right to appoint a representative, right to receive current information about the criminal investigation; right to be notified when the offender is arrested or released; right to reasonable return of property; right to information from; and meaningful discussion with, the prosecutor; right to be free from intimidation; right to meaningful participation during the trial; right to make a statement at sentencing; right to participate in criminal proceedings without jeopardizing employment status; right to receive notice if violent offenders escapes custody; right to receive information after sentencing; right to information and input about adult defendant’s incarceration and parole status; rights after being victimized by a juvenile offender; right to request an Anti-stalking Protection Order, special rights of victims of sexual abuse, domestic violence, and of child abuse; rights of victims to offender’s movie or book profits; right to compensation for economic losses; and other assistance to victims. The booklet concludes with a list of State and Federal victim services. The booklet informs crime victims of their rights and explains these rights as they exist under Ohio law.

Corporate Author
Ohio Attorney General's Office

30 E. Broad Street, 17th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215-3428, United States

Sale Source
Ohio Attorney General's Office

30 E. Broad Street, 17th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215-3428, United States

Publication Format
Publication Type
United States of America