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Physician's Guide to HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Counseling and Anitbody Testing

NCJ Number
Date Published
13 pages
The guidelines from New York State assist physicians in providing appropriate pretest and posttest information in a confidential manner to patients who consult them about HIV antibody tests to detect AIDS.
The booklet first describes the ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) antibody screening test and Western Blot analysis used to detect the antibody specific for HIV, with attention to their shortcomings and benefits. New York State's AIDS testing policy is outlined, as are pretest and counseling procedures. Also covered are interpretation of test results, notification and evaluation of patients with positive results, and advice that physicians should give to patients with positive results and those with negative results. Referrals, references, list of laboratories, and patient consent forms (in English and Spanish) for use outside New York City.


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