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Physical Security Survey (From Physical Security - Readings From Security Management Magazine, P 7-12, 1986, Shari Mendelson Gallery, ed. - See NCJ-101017)

NCJ Number
P James
Date Published
6 pages
This article discusses why, when, and how to conduct a physical security survey as well as the composing of security recommendations from the survey and the establishment of cost justifications for security improvements.
A security survey is essential for evaluating the adequacy of existing security measures, and it should be conducted annually. The survey should determine assets to be protected, the risks to be controlled, the probability of a security breach, the effect on the company of a specific loss, and the current status of facility security. A survey final report includes recommendations for security improvements, and this report should be presented to the highest management level. Recommendations for security improvements must include cost justifications, because security budgets are limited. Costs may be justified by showing resulting savings through reductions in theft costs, accidents, personnel needs, and insurance claims. Certain recommendations may improve energy conservation and increase worker productivity. Any recommendation requiring additional expenditures must be assessed by determining the investment's return, the time required for payback, the necessity of the expense, and whether there is a cheaper but equally effective alternative. If equipment is involved, the cost effectiveness of leasing and buying should be compared.


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