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Phoenix Program - An Educational Alternative for Delinquent Youths

NCJ Number
Juvenile and Family Court Journal Volume: 33 Issue: 2 Dated: (May 1982) Pages: 17-23
P C Kratcoski; L D Kratcoski
Date Published
7 pages
The nature and results of the Phoenix Program, an alternative education program for delinquent youths in Akron, Ohio, are described.
The program is designed for junior and senior high school students who have experienced serious school problems such as disruptive behavior, truancy, lack of motivation, or inability to adjust to a regular school environment. The program is sponsored by the Akron YMCA. The 18-week program has three major components: education, behavioral change, and counseling. Reading, writing, and math are emphasized in the educational program. The behavioral change component is based on point accumulation system under which privileges are granted as points are acquired for acceptable behavior and compliance with rules. Counseling includes both individual and group work. Students may be terminated from the program if they cannot adjust to it. Between October 1979 and December 1980, the program admitted 132 youths ranging from 11 to 18 years of age. Over 90 percent of the students completing the program have returned to regular public school settings. The recidivism of both the graduates and those who spent some time in the program before being terminated or withdrawn has decreased in comparison to previous levels. Students have also made academic improvements, despite the program's short length. The program's success rests on the dedication of the individual teachers and counselors, the small class size, the individualized instruction, and the close monitoring of students' progress. The program has been expanded to include females and it may be extended in length as well. Tables and reference notes are included.


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