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Philadelphia Court School Project: Training Manual

NCJ Number
K G Williams
Date Published
52 pages
This training manual describes the planning logistics and program content for a Philadelphia project that prepares child victims to participate in the criminal justice system's processing of their cases.
The program involves the cooperative efforts of all community agencies involved in child welfare. Children are introduced to the courtroom process in a group format. Each session consists of three concurrent groups: children aged 4-10, children 10 and older, and parents and guardians. Eight to 10 children is the optimum number for each group. The preliminary considerations discussed include the initial consultation work, time and staffing group sizes and ages, time of session, setting, group leaders, and materials. The format and activities are then described for each of the three groups. Topics covered in the children's section include court education, courtroom personnel, a child's rights and responsibilities in court, role play, questioning of the witness, and courtroom attorney objections. Issues covered in the adolescent's section include feelings, warm-up exercises, personal safety, self-protection, responsibilities, court education and role play, and the witness. The parents' session includes a review of the children's session, an explanation of the parent's group, the criminal justice process, courtroom personnel, language, what to expect, and victim services. Additional services for child victims are also described. Attached supplementary information and an 11-item bibliography