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Pharmaceutical Diversion and Abuse: Our Nation's Other Drug Problem

NCJ Number
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Volume: 60 Issue: 6 Dated: (June 1991) Pages: 1-4
T C Babicke
Date Published
4 pages
Even if all illicit drugs in the United States could be eradicated, law enforcement authorities would still have a major challenge in the form of the misuse and abuse of pharmaceutical prescription drugs.
Narcotics, barbiturates, and stimulants are the three most common classes of drugs which are legally available. Controlled drugs provide unique law enforcement problems because they can be both legal and illegal, depending on the circumstances. So-called doctor shopping, prescription fraud, and illegal prescribing by unscrupulous doctors are among these problems. Law enforcement officials must communicate with other agencies, be trained to recognize fraudulent prescriptions, and be knowledgeable of the effects and legitimate uses of controlled substances. Multiple Copy Prescription Programs (MCPPs), legislated in at least nine States, have reduced the abuse and misuse of many controlled pharmaceuticals, discouraged indiscriminate prescribing and dispensing of these drugs, and helped control prescription fraud despite opposition from the pharmaceutical industry and many physicians. 6 references