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Personality Mechanisms of Alcohol-Related Violence

NCJ Number
Journal of Clinical Psychology Volume: 41 Issue: 5 Dated: (September 1985) Pages: 714-722
W R Holcomb; N A Adams
Date Published
9 pages
To examine personality variables involved in alcohol-related violence, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) was administered to 4 groups of subjects: 41 men who committed murder while intoxicated, 48 who committed murder while sober, 130 patients in a detoxification unit, and 40 nonalcoholic acute psychiatric patients.
The violent groups were found to be more paranoid but less manic than the nonviolent groups. Men who committed murder while sober tended to be less interpersonally sensitive but more psychopathic than those who committed murder while intoxicated. Men who committed murder while intoxicated tended to be less psychologically minded than those who become intoxicated but do not kill (i.e., detoxification patients). Results suggest that alcohol intoxication does not simply exaggerate violent tendencies already present, but may act as a catalyst for violence, particularly in nonpsychopathic personalities. Implications for research and treatment are discussed; 20 references are provided. (Author abstract modified).


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