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Personal and Organizational Security Handbook (POSH) Workbook

NCJ Number
Date Published
42 pages
This workbook for use with the 'Personal and Organizational Security Handbook,' presents a form for the true-false test answers and various security records forms pertaining to procedures for addressing and preventing various types of crimes against individuals and organizations.
Forms are provided for capturing important telephone numbers; the location, name, and function of each security employee and other key personnel; maps and map legends for security barriers and perimeter protection; and alarm systems data (type, designer, installer/repairman, date serviced, override switch location, and location covered). Other forms are for information on ballistic protection (location, type, thickness, protective capabilities, camouflage properties, and manufacturer), travel routes, transport of valuables, barriers and perimeter security materials, and security equipment. For the handbook, see NCJ 101940.


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