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Persistence of Early Childhood Physical Aggression: Examining Maternal Delinquency and Offending, Mental Health, and Cultural Differences

NCJ Number
Journal of Criminal Justice Volume: 42 Issue: 5 Dated: September/October 2014 Pages: 408-420
Stacy Tzoumakis; Patrick Lussier; Raymond R. Corrado
Date Published
October 2014
13 pages
This study examined the persistence of physical aggression in preschoolers during a 1-year period, and associated correlates were identified, i.e., sociodemographic, socioeconomic, criminality, parenting practices, and mother's mental health.
The study found several correlates linked to aggression during preschool age. Correlates for the children with persistent aggression included poor parenting practices, poor maternal mental health, and maternal history of delinquency and current offending. Models were conducted separately for mothers born in North America and mothers born in other countries. These models identified several differences in parenting practices between these two groups, suggesting cultural differences in risk factors for physical aggression in pre-schools children. This study is based on data from the first two waves of the ongoing Vancouver Longitudinal Study on the Psychosocial Development of Children, which was conducted in Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada). One year follow-ups from baseline were completed with 240 mothers and their preschool children (boys and girls). 3 tables, 2 figures, and 100 references