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Perceptions of Successful Graduates of Juvenile Residential Programs: Reflections and Suggestions for Success

NCJ Number
Journal of Correctional Education Volume: 59 Issue: 1 Dated: March 2008 Pages: 8-31
Barrett Mincey; Nancy Maldonado; Candace H. Lacey; Steve D. Thompson
Date Published
March 2008
24 pages
This study explored the essence of juvenile delinquency and recidivism.
Data were analyzed to discoverer themes, patterns, or clusters of meanings; several themes and sub-themes emerged, including: overcoming patterns of delinquent behaviors, facing challenges of remaining focused and goal-oriented, and providing suggestions for young offenders as well as recommendations for change to correctional leaders and accounts of successes and failures. Findings indicate some similar and some unique program experiences that impact participants: young offenders who have supportive familial relationships, who function as productive citizens within their communities, and who make satisfactory performance in school, may experience recidivism less frequently than those who exhibit opposite characteristics. Findings also suggest that poverty, peer relations, school, family life, self-imposed limitations, and community dynamics are linked to juvenile offending. In order to address the magnitude of these problems, there must be combined efforts on behalf of juvenile correctional leaders, parents, and communities to exercise maximum efforts toward youth competency development. Although many participants shared positive aspects of their programs’ efforts to address the competency development issue, other participants were not satisfied with the educational and counseling aspects of the programs. They cited counselors who were ill-prepared and lacked compassion and sensitivity, indicating these drawbacks contributed negatively to their attempts to gain greater competency. Counselors and program staff should be mindful of the vital roles they play in reducing juvenile recidivism. Participants included nine young adults between the ages of 18 to 23 who had satisfied their court-ordered sanctions in different residential facilities and who had successfully completed their aftercare supervision. References, appendices A-B