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Pennsylvania's Unified Judicial System - An Analysis With Recommendations

NCJ Number
Date Published
93 pages
This study examined the major components of Pennsylvania's unified judicial system, implemented in 1968, and evaluated the degree to which practice between then and 1980 comports with the idea of a unified system.
Analysis focused on (1) functioning of the courts of common pleas, specialized courts, district justices and community courts, appellate courts, and county row offices; (2) centralized management and rulemaking; (3) statewide financing and labor relations; and (4) judicial selection and retention. Overall, the study found that the system as it exists today is vastly superior to the chaotic and archaic system that existed prior to 1968. The constitutional and statutory framework of the unified system is in place and is structured to accommodate needed changes and improvements in the system, and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has clear and virtually undiluted authority to administer and manage the judicial system. Specific recommendations for further improving the operation of the unified judicial system are presented. Separate statements of nonconcurrence with some of the recommendations on financing, judicial selection, and management are appended. Tables and chapter notes.