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Pennsylvania Juvenile Court Dispositions 1997

NCJ Number
Date Published
46 pages
This is a compilation of the data collected from the juvenile probation departments in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The report presents data concerning: (1) Delinquency Dispositions (nine categories); (2) Delinquency Placements (summary and five categories); (3) Delinquency Offenses (selected serious crimes, type and number of alleged and substantiated offenses); (4) Detention (standards governing the use of secure detention, reasons for admission to secure detention, length of stay, use rate); (5) Demographics (race and gender, race and ethnicity, age, school status and highest grade completed, family status, living arrangement); (6) Dependency Dispositions (by type, by race and gender, by age); (7) Disposition and Placement Reviews (outcome of delinquency and dependency placement reviews, outcome of delinquency disposition reviews, total placements by type of service/delinquency disposition reviews, total placement transfers by type of service/delinquency placement reviews; and (8) Summary of All Dispositional Activity. Tables, figures, appendix