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NCJ Number
Date Published
44 pages
This report is a compilation of data from county juvenile probation departments in Pennsylvania in 1992.
There were 31,039 juvenile delinquency-related cases in the State of Pennsylvania in 1992--2.57 percent of the juvenile population. The most frequently used disposition was probation (23.6 percent), followed by informal adjustment (15.3 percent), out-of-home placement (11.3 percent), consent decree (10.9 percent), and warning/counseling (8.6 percent). Disposition totals are shown by type and by county, and in comparison to each of the years since 1988. Also shown are county totals by source of referral; attorney representation by type of disposition; time lapse from referral to disposition; out-of-home placements by county and by race; alleged and substantiated serious crimes; secure detention; demographics; and county dispositions by race, gender, age, family status, living arrangement, and school status; and dependency dispositions. Tables, graphs, charts, appendix, sample of the juvenile court statistical card that was used to obtain the data