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Pennsylvania County Prisons and Jails - Annual Statistical Report, 1981

NCJ Number
Date Published
32 pages
The yearly average daily prison population in Pennsylvania for 1981 was 8,851, up from 7,493 in 1980, an increase of 18.1 percent.
The county prison population for Dec. 31, 1981, also showed an increase, at 18.9 percent. The statewide county prison population included 51.2 percent white and 48.8 percent nonwhite inmates; 95.8 percent males and 4.2 females; and 31.3 percent sentenced inmates, 68.7 percent detentioners, and 5.8 percent inmates on work release. A total of 19 counties had a yearly average daily population of more than 100 inmates, and 3 counties displayed a ratio of 100 inmates or more per 100,000 civilian population. Tables and graphs compose most of the report. (Author summary modified)