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Pennsylvania Bureau of Correction - Annual Statistical Report, 1981

NCJ Number
Date Published
47 pages
During 1981, population in the Pennsylvania Bureau of Correction increased by 1,177 inmates, or 14.3 percent from 8,243 to 9,420. This represents an average increase of 98 inmates per month.
The inmate population is 45.3 percent white and 96.7 percent male. A total of 34.6 percent are 25 years of age and under; 24.5 percent are serving time for robbery, 20.4 percent for murder (all types), and 17.4 percent for burglary. Excluding regional correctional facilities, 34.3 percent and 10.8 percent are from Philadephia and Allegheny counties, respectively. A total of 10.6 percent are serving life sentences. During 1981, 3,451 inmates were paroled or reparoled by State and local paroling authorities. Another 473 inmates were released unconditionally by expiration of maximum sentence or by count order. A total of 33 tables give data on inmate population characteristics, receptions, court commitments, internal population movements, paroles, time served, escapes, furloughs, assaults, and cost per day. (Author summary modified)