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Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole - Biennial Report, 1979-1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
26 pages
This biennial report of the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole presents relevant data and accomplishments for the years 1979-80.
The report contains messages from officials, describes the members of the board, and discusses the responsibilities and work of the board. An organizational chart delineates the structure of the board. The board consists of the office of the executive director, affirmative action office, division of legal services, office of board secretary and bureau of preparole services, bureau of supervision, and the bureau of administrative services. Emphasis during the 1979-80 period was given to maintaining accreditation, to an aggressive public information/relations policy to educate the public about probation and parole planning, and to reducing the number of unemployed clients. Tables, graphs, photographs, maps, and a directory of executive/administrative staff and offices are included.