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Penal Code Citations - Sentencing in 18 American Felony Courts, 1983-1984

NCJ Number
M A Cunniff
Date Published
59 pages
This manual contains the record layout and sentencing codebook for a study of sentencing patterns in a sample of felony courts (1983-84) representative of urban and densely populated suburban areas.
Data were collected from 18 jurisdictions in 15 States. Both determinate and indeterminate sentencing practices are represented in the sample. The variables measured are criminal charges, the nature of convictions, sentences imposed, terms and location of prison sentences, and the ages of persons sentenced. The record layout presents the variable number, the character number for each variable, and variable descriptions. The codebook details the number of characters for each variable, their sequence in the record layout, and their format, i.e., whether the variable has an implied decimal place. The appendixes contain methodological notes, the project coding sheet, and a chart of each jurisdiction's legislation affecting minimum terms and the availability of earned and good time. Charts also show the following for each jurisdiction by offense type: penal code title, usage, and brief description; penal code citation (sentencing); and legislated sentencing options.


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