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Patterns of International Terrorism - 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
30 pages
This annual report presents unclassified material and statistics on terrorism for the year 1980.
International terrorism resulted in more casualties in 1980 than in any year since analysis of statistics related to terrorism began in 1968. The total number of events in 1980 was also high, second only to 1978. Established patterns of striking at targets in industrialized democracies and attacking symbols of Western power continued into 1980. Americans remained the primary targets of international terrorism, with nearly 2 out of every 5 incidents involving U.S. citizens or property. Terrorist events aimed at causing casualties, especially assassinations, increased over previous years. Over 30 percent of the attacks in 1980 resulted in at least one casualty. In addition, 1980 was the first year that a large number of deadly terrorists attacks were carried out by national governments, such as the Libyan Government's assassination campaign against dissidents living in Europe. Right-wing terrorist activity increased sharply in Europe. However, incidents involving hostages and barricades were more successfully countered in 1980, as governments became better equipped to deal with such situations. In addition to Libya, the report discusses State-sponsored international terrorism carried out by the Soviet Union, South Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Cuba. Eight figures, statistical data, a discussion of antiterrorist measures, and a brief explanation of major international terrorist groups are included. (Author summary modified)