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Patterns of Criminal Activity Among Methadone Clients and Current Narcotics Users Not in Treatment

NCJ Number
Journal of Drug Issues Dated: (Fall 1984) Pages: 687-700
D E Hunt; D S Lipton; B Spunt
Date Published
14 pages
Based on a sample of 510 cocaine users (368 in methadone maintenance programs and 142 active users not in treatment), this paper examines the differences in criminal activity between the two groups, differences between methadone clients and the general addict population in terms of previous criminal activity, and the types of crimes committed by users who are in treatment.
Data was collected through interviews conducted by the Tri-State Ethnographic Project (TRISEP). The findings indicate that methadone clients are less involved in criminal activity than cocaine users not in treatment. Those methadone clients who do engage in criminal activity tend toward less serious offenses, avoiding robbery, burglary, or drug dealing; they are usually clients who continue to use cocaine and heroin and who supplement their income through crime. The difference between the two groups is a result of treatment, rather than a lower level of criminal activity prior to treatment. 5 tables and references