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Patterns of Career Mobility and Retention Among Correction Officers of the Massachusetts Department of Correction

NCJ Number
L K Holt
Date Published
47 pages
This study surveyed 1,168 graduates of the Massachusetts Training Academy for corrections officers to determine their retention rates, career mobility, and job performance to help corrections officials make decisions regarding future academy training programs.
Within 6 months after graduation, 1 in 10 officers has left the Department of Corrections; within 1 year after graduation, 1 in 5 has left the department. Retention of female officers is a particular problem. The State's residential program was no more successful in retaining officers than the day program. Attrition is partly caused by the attractiveness of other jobs and by salary policies. The graduates were rated as meeting or exceeding all job requirements, but few officers were promoted. Numerous tables and three references are supplied.