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Pattern Crimes: Firearms Trafficking Enforcement Techniques

NCJ Number
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Volume: 67 Issue: 9 Dated: September 1998 Pages: 6-13
J P Greco
Date Published
8 pages
This article examines law enforcement efforts to combat illegal firearms trafficking.
Illegal firearms trafficking is the movement of firearms from the legal to illegal marketplace through an illicit method for an unlawful purpose, usually to obtain profit, power or prestige or to supply firearms to criminals or juveniles. At some point, every illegally trafficked firearm originates from a Federal firearms licensee. Firearms traffickers often establish patterns in their activities. The types and number of firearms purchased, method of purchase, individuals involved, and source areas or States where the purchases took place can help reveal patterns. Firearm serial numbers are also useful in tracing weapons to purchasers. Task force operations are the most effective ways to combat illegal firearms trafficking because they allow pooling of funds, resources and personnel, centralization of intelligence, and combining different areas of expertise. Notes