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Pathfinder on Bias Crimes and the Fight Against Hate Groups

NCJ Number
Legal Reference Services Quarterly Volume: 11 Issue: 1/2 Dated: (1991) Pages: 39-75
L Pantell
Date Published
37 pages
This annotated bibliography presents the user with the burgeoning literature about hate groups and their activities and lists the tools that are available to combat bias crimes.
The literature listed deals only with bias crimes committed by members of organized hate groups. It encompasses Federal and State statutes that can be used to prosecute bias crimes, but it does not address local ordinances that serve a similar purpose. The literature is presented under the following topic areas: hate groups; spreading the message -- the voice of hate groups; understanding the motivation for hate crimes; fighting bias crimes; censoring hateful speech -- the first amendment barrier; and research strategy. Each of these broad topic areas is further divided into subtopics. The sources within each subtopic are arranged by type, for example, "reports" or "law review articles." Where appropriate, the sources are listed in order of recommendation within each type of source. There are approximately 200 entries, and most of the publications were published from 1980 through 1990. Appended map of the location of various hate groups in the United States and a list of the names, leaders, and their addresses for the branches or chapters of various hate groups