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Partnerships in Preparedness: A Compendium of Exemplary Practices in Emergency Management, Volume Four

NCJ Number
Date Published
January 2000
54 pages
This is a compendium of exemplary practices in emergency management.
Exemplary practice is any idea, project, program, technique, or method that has worked in one place and may be worthy of adopting elsewhere. The document describes public and private-sector emergency management practices that include unique coordination among organizations, volunteer projects, resource sharing, and other innovative approaches to emergency management. Document sections are organized alphabetically by the State from which the exemplary practice was nominated. Under each State listing, the programs are organized alphabetically by project name. Each program listing provides: program name; contact person's name and address data; program type; population targeted by the program; program setting; startup date; program description; evaluation information; annual budget; sources for funding; and, in some cases, additional sources for information. The compendium includes an exemplary practice from a tribal government entity, and several exemplary practices geared toward school-age youth in their primary and secondary years of study. Indexes, appendix